Kings and Conquerors Wiki
Cohors Reformata
(Roman Reformed Sword Infantry)
Cohors reformata
Unit type Sword Infantry
Base cost 20 Food Food, 40 Wealth Wealth, 20 Metal Metal
Ramping cost 2 Wealth Wealth
Creation time 11.9 seconds
Hit points 230
Line of sight 8
Movement speed 31
Attack strength 22
Attack range 0-0
Armour 17
Population cost Population
Created at Barracks
Fortified Barracks
Prerequisites Level 2 Reforms [2]
Upgrades from Principes Reformati
Upgrades to none
Available to Romans

The Cohors Reformata is a superb professional heavy infantry unit available to the Romans. These reformed swordsmen have high quality equipment, including a chain mail coat, a scutum shield and a Montefortino or Coolus-type helmet. They take a long time to train, but their levels of discipline and endurance makes it worth the trouble.

See also[]


The Marian reforms affected the Roman army in many ways. There ceased to be any form of property requirements, so men of all social classes could fight in the legion. The Marian legionaries were uniformly equipped and they had to carry as much of their equipment as possible (which is why they became known as "Marius' mules"). They became increasingly loyal to their generals, who had to take care of the veterans — one side effect of this however was to shift power from the civil government embodied by the Senate to the Roman military leadership, thus dooming the old republic and setting the scene for the rise of the Empire.

