Kings and Conquerors Wiki

The atlas ennumerates all the maximum number of territories which a CtW for K&C: HA may contain. Currently it is somewhat based off a reduced version of the Rise of Kings map for Rise of Kings: Chronicles, but some territories have been condensed while others have been broken up: for instance Rise of Kings' Thessaly is now broken into the Greek historic geographic units of Thessaly, Epirus, Aetolia and Macedon. This is perfectly in keeping with history because some of these territories were well within Macedon's sphere since Argead days. In a CtW with a more limited scope, these territories can be rebundled again to simplify things.

It is most likely that all scenarios except for a few will heavily involve diplomacy, with tribal city-states dominating most of the map, with each one ruled by certain sub-factions. For instance, an invasion of the famed territory of Hakkolandam will see you pitted against a series of German and Celtic tribes, including the Frisii and the Batavii.

ArkyniaSarmatia MagnaPannonia MagnaIllyricumMagna DaciaAlpesGermania MinorMagna GermaniaCelticaAquitaniaBelgicaCambriaBritannia SuperiorBritannia InferiorAlbion et IernaeLatium NovumTransalpiniaTyrrheniaCisalpiniaSiciliaBaetica UlteriorBaetica CiteriorTarraconensisLusitaniaEthiopiaMaurentaniaLibyaAegyptusAgysimbaMegale HellasMacedoniaGraeciaCoelesyriaCoelesyriaMesopotamiaIranArabia MagnaAriannaDrangianaArabia FelixAnatoliaTranscaucasiaEuxiniaArmeniaImg 2599

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Hint: Mouse over the map to access the atlas entry for each relevant region. Region subdivisions are correct as intended for The Wolf Among Lions CtW.

Regions by Geography[]

The world at large is divided into sub-divisions called "Regions" which consist of the base territories of your civilisation. Capturing the Territories which form a single Region allows you to gain a small tribute boost from unification, which is dependent on the size of the territories in question and resources therein:


Ave Terr: 23


Ave Terr: 29


Ave Terr: 34

Asia Minor[]

Ave Terr: 35

Asia Major[]

Ave Terr: 30


Ave Terr: 24


Ave Terr worth: 23


Ave Terr: 35


Ave terr worth: 26

A quick note[]

Because of their specialised nature, the A Tale of Two Kings CtW does not use this Atlas, but rather an alternate one which concentrates heavily on the eastern Mediterranean more than any other CtW. Enties for this CtW are stored here.

Similarly, the Imperivm Invictvm CtW, whilst using the territory hierarchy as depicted in the Atlas, has its own map but reuses the designations of parts of this Atlas.

The Rise of the Barbarians CtW map uses a different design, but mostly retains the same geographic designations.

Strategic resources (and where to find them)[]



Occurs in:

Aside from producing food if slaughtered, sheep also provide valuable milk and wool which is easier to weave than tree bark fibre. Sheep are also of great ritual significance: Etruscan priests were said to have practised hepatomancy — a form of divination where sheep livers were used to predict the future.

  • +10Influence
  • +10Timber
  • Villagers 33% faster; 15% cheaper



Occurs in:

This fragile but useful material is produced from flattening the fibres of a marsh plant found in Egypt into thin sheets which can then be written upon with ink.

  • +10Influence
  • +10Timber
  • -25% research cost for Science



Occurs in:

There are many differences between wine and other alcoholic brews, most notably in the content of sugar and alcohol of the drink in question. It is thought that viticulture first took place in Western Asia, before being spread westward by Phoenician and Greek colonists throughout Europe and Africa.

  • +10Influence
  • +10Food
  • Units 20% cheaper to upgrade



Occurs in:

The best way to dispose of your foes and other undesirables is to sell them off to others willing to endure them. At the drop of a coin — or a few more — troublemakers become the prestige and profit of others, wherever slavers congregate with their grisly traffic in human flesh and misery.

  • +10Wealth
  • +10Influence
  • Citizens and slaves construct buildings and wonders 10% faster.
  • Spawns slaves in your capital whenever commerce research is completed: 1 from levels 1-3, 2 from levels 4-5 and e from 6-7



Occurs in:

While not very common around the world, the skin of seals makes for a surprisingly durable and waterproof material, making it highly desirable for marine engineering and for the personal effects of mariners.

  • +10Metal
  • +10Food
  • +20% naval unit speed



Occurs in:

With salt and spices, food could be preserved and kept for longer periods, or at least have the taste of spoilage concealed with strong flavours, with the most desired spices being pepper, cinnamon, saffron and ginger.

  • +10Influence
  • +10Food
  • +20% income from Tradesmen



Occurs in:

Comfortable and resilient, silk bought China much wealth and was the one reason for the existence of the Silk Road until the Late Middle Ages when the Romans managed to smuggle silkworm moths into Greece. Silk however was somewhat scandalising as it was somewhat seethrough: Roman emperors tried to proscribe the use of silk without success, while Muslims considered it inappropriate clothing material for men.

  • +10Wealth
  • +10Timber
  • -25% research cost for Commerce



Occurs in:

A voracious predator which lives mostly in the more frigid waters of the world, salmon was considered a delicacy by the Celts of Gaul and Britain. The Irish tale of the Salmon of Wisdom, a fish which upon being eaten could confer all knowledge in the world on whoever consumed it, attests to its importance well into our own times.

  • +30Food
  • -20% to cost of naval units

Molossian Hounds


Occurs in:

Faithful and loyal yet ferocious and lethal, these dogs are truly a hero's best friend.

  • +10Food
  • Scout vision increased by 3



Occurs in:

This precious material, formed from vitrified igneous rock, can hold an extremely sharp blade despite being fragile. For this reason, surgical instruments may be made out of this material.

  • +10Metal
  • +10Influence
  • +1 to all arrow attacks



Occurs in:

Malleable yet enduring, gold was the ultimate prize in the classical world: it was, after all, the reasons for the fame of the Egyptian pharaohs and possibly the power of the Argeadae of Macedon as a stable denominator of value.

  • +30Wealth
  • -10% cost to Wealth

Olive Oil


Occurs in:

Olive oil, an edible fat, was used in a variety of ways — it was used with vinegar in salads in Italy, and was also used as grease for machines and joints.

  • +30Food
  • Allows 1 extra farm to be built per city



Occurs in:

The scent of incense can be of such great strength that it obscures other less desirable odours. For this reason, incense featured greatly in many religious rituals, such as invocations and funerals.

  • +10Wealth
  • +10Influence
  • -25% to cost of House of Worship research



Occurs in:

Granite is a coarse-grained, light-colored igneous rock and has been used for thousands of years in both interior and exterior applications, although not as preferable as marble. The most famous use of granite in construction was in Egyptian funerary monuments: the interior reaches of the Pyramids are lined with granite slabs.

  • +20Metal
  • -10% to all costs



Occurs in:

Exploiting natural animal resources is one of the cheapest and most effective ways of making profit from virgin territory as they are tough enough to hunt their quarry, or fight or trade with the natives for pelts.

  • +10Food
  • +10Metal
  • -25% to research cost for Military



Occurs in:

Pottery was a crucial industry as pots allowed for storage and transport of food, drink and liquids. Well-produced pottery of pleasing design could sometimes find itself becoming far more valuable as an antique, although others would be simply scrapped at the end of their lives like the refuse heap at Monte Testaccio in Rome.

  • +20Food
  • -50% Attrition in enemy territory
  • +1 tribute per turn for each strategic resource held by your allies (these stack).



Occurs in:

By virtue of their dexterity and sociability, horses formed the economic and military lynchpins of many empires. Nomadic tribes on horseback were feared for the deadly speed and flexibility their warriors had. Horses also had a vital non-belligerent role as well: the Persians (formerly a nomadic tribe themselves) used of horses in the chaparkhaneh, a courier system which can be considered the world's first postal service.

  • +10Food
  • +10Metal
  • -15% to Stable unit cost

Iron Ore


Occurs in:

Despite being the most common metal in the world due to its presence everywhere, it is however harder to find deposits of iron ore large enough for economic exploitation. Spain was also known for producing prodiguous amounts of metal, including iron...which may have been one of the reasons why the Carthaginians, Greeks and Romans tried to colonise Spain.

  • +30Metal
  • -10% cost for Metal

Exotic Fauna


Occurs in:

If there was a way of proclaiming one's own worth through opulence, the mere possession of these animals from distant lands would be the ultimate prestige symbol.

  • +10Wealth
  • +10Metal
  • +10% to population cap



Occurs in:

A beautiful metamorphic rock, marble has been the dream medium of choice for sculptors and stonemasons everywhere ever since man learnt to build tall walls .

  • +10Timber
  • +10Metal
  • -10% cost for wonders



Occurs in:

Thought to have been first created in the Middle East during the Bronze Age, glass was used for various kinds of bottles, utensils, mirrors and more.

  • +20Influence
  • Tribute-related requests during scenarios can be fulfilled without expending tribute.



Occurs in:

Apart from being asthetically attractive, gems were also thought to have mystical powers, a belief that has lasted well into our own day. Most gems in the ancient world were mined in Egypt, Bactria and India.

  • +10Wealth
  • +10Influence
  • +2 to borders



Occurs in:

Fish and seafood formed a vital component in the diet of beach-dwellers, but not everyone would be content with bland fish meat. The most notorious use Romans had for fish was to ferment it to form garum, a fish sauce which they used to flavour almost everything which was edible to them — but whose production was a smelly process which resulted in laws regulating the location of garum refineries!

  • +10Food
  • +10Wealth



Occurs in:

Like almost all humans, Romans had a sweet tooth. Honey was perfect — not only could it be used to sweeten foodstuffs, it was also known to have had antiseptic qualities to it. Still, the way that some Romans used honey would not be to everyone's taste today. One Roman dish, peas Vitellian, consisted of mushy peas or beans flavoured with honey and other condiments.

  • +10Food
  • +10Timber
  • +10% HP to all units



Occurs in:

Although the ancient world could use all sorts of materials for dye including lime, ochre (petrified rust), soot, woad and even human urine, the most prized of all dye was derived from the murex, a crustacean whose bodily secretions contained high levels of iodine, producing a beautiful purple colour. So prized and so difficult was it to extract murex dye that only the extremely rich could afford fully purple fabrics. Roman emperors had the benefit of full purple vestments — senators had to make do with purple coloured trim in their clothing to denote their status, and commoners none at all.

  • +10Influence
  • +10Wealth
  • -25% research cost for Administration



Occurs in:

Romans regarded diamonds with much reverence, believing it powerful in making its wearer brave and daring, giving him the victory over his enemies. If set in fine steel, it was considered a charm against insanity.

  • +20Wealth
  • +10% to commerce cap



Occurs in:

Relics served as a link to a holy personage or to divinity itself. In Homer's Odyssey, the Argives tried to steal the Palladium, a relic which supposed was sent down from heaven, as they thought it would give them victory over the Trojans. The appeal of relics as cultic objects was so robust that it lasted even into the mediaeval era.

  • +20Influence
  • +10Wealth
  • +33% research and upgrade speed



Occurs in:

While gold often stole the limelight for precious metals, silver was no less significant, although it was liable of tarnishing much faster than gold normally would. Contrary to popular belief, Roman soldiers weren't paid in salt, but were salaried instead in silver.

  • +10Wealth
  • +10Metal



Occurs in:

Equally as vital as gold was salt, which is fundamental to the functioning of the human body as well as for the task of preserving meat and vegetables. So valuable and vital was salt that the term "salary" refers to the practice of frequent payments to Roman soldiers to allow them to buy salt.

  • +10Metal
  • +10Timber
  • Cost of barracks troops reduced by 15%



Occurs in:

While considered a delicacy to most civilised nations, dates are however a vital source of food for those living in the desert. High in sugar and other nutrients, dates are not merely just eaten as they are, but are also fermented to produce a liquor by some desert cultures.

  • +10Food
  • +10Timber
  • -10% cost in Food



Occurs in:

Originally cultivated in Persia and India, cotton was more readily available, and it was easier to wash than wool and silken textiles, and could also be used to form quilted armour which was useful against projectiles such as arrows and darts in combination with other forms of armour.

  • +20Timber
  • -15% production time to barracks, stable and dockyard units.



Occurs in:

Considered by impoverished semi-nomadic tribes as a form of emergency food where fish and game weren't common, oysters soon became a delicacy to the civilised world.

  • +10Food
  • +10Wealth
  • +1 warship range



Occurs in:

Although the onset of the Iron Age almost two millenia ago effectively reduced the importance of copper, the mining of copper still continued to take place. Copper continued to be the metal of choice for cooking utensils as it was elegant, and tended to resist heat better than iron. Some also believed that cooking with copper pans also improves food's nutritional value.

  • +20Metal
  • +20% HP to mechanical units



Occurs in:

This strange viscuous fluid can be found in abundance in many places in Asia, and has proven to be useful as both a sealant and a waterpoofing agent. The vapours of this material are thought to induce visions from the gods — but nobody takes that seriously.

  • +10Metal
  • +10Krateia
  • -15% to cost of Timber

Pine Wood


Occurs in:

Native to the highlands and mountains of Europe, pine trees are a versatile resource which provide building materials, fuel and even food itself. Aside from the logs, pine sap can also be boiled down to form pitch which can be used for sealing drinks in goatskins or even caulking a ship's hull, while the nuts can also be eaten.

  • +10Food
  • +10Timber
  • Ships gain ability to regenerate over time



Occurs in:

As in all pre-indutrial epochs of human history, the cultivation and harvesting of cereal crops remained the most important task. As many city-states such as Rome grew, they began to outstrip the amount of food which was locally available to them. One of the things they did to alleviate their food woes was to found colonies elsewhere where it was hoped that citizens of the home country could be sent away to be supplied with sufficient grain for their needs.

  • +30Food
  • -50% unit ramp cost



Occurs in:

Cattle was by the preferred choice for pastoralists in Classical Europe: aside from providing leather and meat, bulls could be used as beasts of burden, and cows would provide milk which was then used to produce butter and cheese. The Celts were known to be expert cattle well as rustlers.

  • +20Food
  • +1 armour for Citizens.



Occurs in:

This strange foul-smelling substance has a variety of uses, most notably in medicine and alchemical operations.

  • +15Wealth
  • +15Metal
  • Siege units 20% cheaper



Occurs in:

Formerly ubiquitous and native to almost all but the loftiest heights of the world, bison are now confined to the northern reaches of Europe.

  • +20Food
  • -33% costs to Granary upgrades.

Beaver Pelts


Occurs in:

Beavers were not just hunted for fur but for their castoreum, an oil secreted from glands in their groins, which was then thought to have medicinal qualities. Widespread hunting however decimated the indigenous beaver population, and it is only thanks to vigorous conservation efforts that beavers have begun to return back to Europe's ecosystems.

  • +10Food
  • +10Timber
  • Free Scouts and Merchants



Occurs in:

Amber is fossilized tree resin, usually of a yellow, orange or brown color and of a transparent, cloudy or solid appearance and has been used as jewellery and fragrance alike: if heated under the right conditions, amber becomes a sticky fluid again and produces a light 'pinewood scent', which was used by the ancient Greeks as a form of aromatherapy.

  • +10Timber
  • +10Wealth
  • The cost to buy goods at Market reduced by 10; price of goods sold at Market increased by 10